Past Highlights

  • Annual celebration of the Fête des Rois
  • Sunday luncheons in private homes
  • Cooking demonstrations with famous chefs
  • Special lectures with château owners and authors

The Northern California Chapter hosts a variety of cultural & social events to share insider knowledge of a facet of French culture.  In addition to supporting a  restoration project, located in France or the United States, (see the recent list below), the chapter participates in the local community.  The N. CA  Chapter is honored to be a Cultural Sponsor at the San Francisco Fall Art & Antiques Show.

To introduce high school students to the importance of preserving culture for future generations, seven years ago a Student Essay Contest was created for tenth grade students at the Lycée International Franco-Américain   San Francisco.

Dori Bonn is currently Chairmen of the Northern California Chapter. For further information please please contact FHS Programs and Membership Officer Benjamin Wells.

Photos: Northern California Chapter events including the annual Fête des Rois celebration, Provençal luncheon with Jean-Pierre Moullé, author Elaine Sciolino, participation in the San Francisco Fall Arts and Antiques Show and student winners of the essay contest.


Northern California: Summer Luncheon

Sunday, August 18, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The Northern California Chapter invites you to a summer luncheon celebrating FHS's involvement in the 2024 Olympics in Paris hosted by Austin Hills and Farnoosh Hariri. A member of the Olympic fencing team will be a special guest and share first hand experiences.

Atlanta Chapter: Cocktail Culturel with Timothy Corrigan

Tuesday, September 24, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The Atlanta Chapter invites you to meet Timothy Corrigan at a Cocktail Culturel and lecture ... Read More >

Chairman’s Circle Trip to the Côtes du Rhône

Thursday, October 17 - Wednesday, October 23

FHS is excited to present this year’s Chairman’s Circle trip to the Côtes du Rhône. Our six-night trip will begin in the dramatic ancient city of Avignon, which is renowned for its majestic Palais des Papes, a UNESCO World Heritage site. We will explore the splendid Provencal landscapes and monuments in the surrounding area, including the gorgeous 12th-centuy Romanesque Abbaye de Sénanques, and Gordes, renowned as one of the most beautiful villages of France. We will be hosted in style at individual homes for private receptions in Avignon and Gordes. 

French Heritage Society

Save the date for our annual black-tie celebration in New York City!To register your early ... Read More >
