Past Highlights
- Annual dinner at the French Ambassador’s residence (photos above)
- Grand Châteaux and their Gardens in the Landscape of Greater Paris Today, by Stéphanie Celle French State Architect and Urbanist, Conservator of National Monuments
- Various lectures about the French culture
- Annual conference with a distinguished speaker
- Garden parties in Spring or tour to an historic property in the Virginia or Maryland countryside to end the season
- Private tours of museums for special exhibitions of French masterpieces
The Washington Regional Chapter organizes a variety of cultural and social events for its members throughout the year in order to raise funds for restorations projects that were voted by the FHS Board members.
Bobbie Brewster is the current Washington Regional Chapter Chairman. For further information or to learn more about Membership,please contact FHS Programs and Membership Officer Benjamin Wells.
The YPC Paris will have the opportunity to discover the Salon du Dessin during two ... Read More >
The Paris Chapter invites you to visit the Musée de la vie d'autrefois with Viviane ... Read More >
The Consul General of France in Boston and Mrs. M. Soykurt, along with the Co-Chairs ... Read More >
We invite you to join us for a celebration of French heritage and joie de ... Read More >
- Chartres Cathedral, France
- Hôtel de Talleyrand, Paris
- Château de Thoiry, France
- Abbaye de Fontefroide, France
- Meridian House, Washington, D.C.
- Corcoran Gallery of Art, Salon Doré, Washington, D.C.
- Decatur House and Octagon House, Washington, D.C.
- The houses of Sainte Geneviève, MO
Orangerie du Parc de Bagatalle, France, in honor of Simone Monneron
Château de By, France
- Château du Clos de Vougeot, France
Village of Bourbonnais, IL
- Mount Vernon – Lafayette’s Bedchamber
- Bolduc House, MO