Château d’Annéot (Yonne)


Site History

The domaine d’Annéot, located near Avallon and Vézelay, is a remarkable estate featuring a château dating from the late 17th to early 18th century, along with outbuildings that include a caretaker’s house, stables, barns and a dovecote. After being abandoned for over 40 years, the Château d’Annéot and its outbuildings now face serious structural issues, particularly with regard to the roof framework and foundations.

About the Restoration

The FHS grant supports restoration of the central pavilion’s roof structure, one of the critical steps needed to safeguard this historic estate. Prolonged neglect has caused significant water damage to the roof timbers in multiple areas. Temporary supports currently hold up certain ceilings, and immediate intervention is needed to prevent the château’s central pavilion from collapsing like that of the grand outbuilding, which has already caved in entirely.

Château d’Annéot Today
Though the Château d’Annéot represents a significant restoration challenge, the new owners, a couple deeply passionate about heritage preservation, have undertaken the work with great determination. With its rich history and distinctive architecture, the site stands as a symbol of the revival of rural French heritage.

Restoration Project

Roof and carpentry of the central pavilion

Amount Awarded


Grant Sponsor

Atlanta Chapter, Danny Kaye and Silvia Fine Kaye Foundation
