Logis de Moullins (Sarthe)

The Logis de Moullins is a noble residence built between the 12th and 16th centuries, the architecture of which catalogues changes over the centuries. The various buildings that make up the complex are emblematic of these influences.
The aula built around 1300 is a large ceremonial hall that was meant to welcome prestigious visitors and further the tradition of vassalage. Today, this building is the last surviving example in France of a single-story, basilica-plan hall with a nave and two aisles.
After an initial restoration campaign for the Logis as part of a “VMF French Heritage Society” award in 2007, the current project involves repairing the roof and securing the walls to reinforce the structure as a whole.
Strong commitments from enthusiasts such as the Friends of the Medieval Estate of Moulins have helped the owners keep the site intact for the benefit future generations, and a project is underway to produce a book for the general public on this magnificent estate.
Restoration Project
Structural and wall reinforcement and roof restoration.
Amount Awarded
Grant Sponsor
FHS Louisiana, Northern California Chapters and a private donor in honor of Lilibeth Dewavrin