Château de Servigny (Manche)


Located in Normandy, the Château de Servigny is a landmark in the history of the Second World War.

Built in the 16th century and completely remodeled in the 19th, the château served as a command post for American General Lawton Collins, commander of the 7th American Army Corps, during the Normandy landings.

The Surrender Room was the site of the signing of the Treaty of Servigny, also known as the Surrender of Cherbourg, which formalized the surrender of the German general in charge of the region.

Today, the owners of Château de Servigny continue to keep the memory of this great history alive with passion, organizing celebrations to mark the anniversaries of the D-Day landings and to celebrate peace.

Restoration Project

Restoration of the roof and framework of the castle.

Amount Awarded

$11,000 – ongoing grant

Grant Sponsor

FHS Chapters
