Prieuré du Bourget du Lac (Savoie)

The Priory is anchored in history by the architectural, historical and symbolic richness of belonging to the network of Clunisian sites, which, for several centuries radiated in France and across Europe. The priory was founded around 1030 by monks from Cluny placed under the protection of the Counts of Savoy who contributed greatly to the wealth of the monastery. Rebuilt in the 13th century then restored in the 15th century, the priory is particularly renowned for its magnificent Gothic cloister. The site as a whole attests to great architectural and artistic richness, both inside and outside. Jesuits replaced the monks of Cluny in 1773 then, for only a few years, Franciscans occupied the priory. Sold as national property during the Revolution, several owners succeeded one another. Acquired by an art lover who sold it to the Duchess of Choiseul in 1915, the domain was bought by the city of Le Bourget du Lac in 1952. The priory, the only Clunisan site in Savoie and Haute Savoie, is under consideration to be classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in conjunction with the European Federation for Clunisian Sites. This is an exceptional opportunity for the future of the town while highlighting and honoring its history spanning nearly 1,000 years.
Restoration Project
The roof of the Priory-complex.
Amount Awarded
Grant Sponsor
Private donor