Eglise Saint-Genest, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain (Côte d’Or)

Located in the heart of the medieval town of Flavigny, one of the most beautiful villages in France in the heart of Auxois, renowned for its picturesque setting and its rich medieval heritage, the church reflects the history of a once-flourishing parish community. The church, built in the 13th century, enlarged and embellished in the 15th and 16th centuries, adopts the original style of a narrow nave with side aisles surmounted by vast stands intended to accommodate the faithful, to compensate for the smallness of the space available enclosed within the city walls. The church has preserved exceptional artistic collections of sculptures and reliquaries, paintings and murals that constitute a real treasure within a remarkable architectural setting. Many local and national actors are working together to restore this treasure for the town and tourists to the region.
Restoration Project
The town is undertaking a major restoration program for the church for the exteriors and the consolidation of the belfry and the interior.
Amount Awarded
$22,876 ongoing fundraising campaign
Grant Sponsor
Private donors