Hôtel des Invalides (Paris)

The Hôtel National des Invalides’ vast complex of buildings in the heart of Paris was created by Louis XIVth to serve as the first veterans’ retirement home and hospital in Europe. Today, along with those functions, it also contains musuems and monuments relating to the military history of France. The buildings house the Musée de l’Armée, the military museum of the Army of France, the Musée des Plans-Reliefs, and the Musée d’Histoire Contemporaine, as well as the Dôme des Invalides, a large church, the tallest in Paris at a height of 107 meters, with the tombs of some of France’s most celebrated war heroes, most notably Napoleon.
Cultural Project
Napoleon’s Tomb, its marble and enameled floors and sculpted décor in the Dome Church for the bicentenary of his death
Amount Awarded
Grant Sponsor
La Fondation Mérimée and private donors