BnF-Richelieu (French National Library) (Paris)

The historic architectural jewel of the BnF-Richelieu is its magnificent Mazarine Gallery. Once restored, this gallery will be the showcase for a new museum and centerpiece of the future visitors’ circuit. It will open in 2021 for the tricentennial of the installation of the BnF in its historic Richelieu site. The restoration project is an immense undertaking not only to restore the 17th-century site, but to link it to the already restored 19th-century half of the BnF to integrate the whole into a single coherent site largely open to the public. The goal is to place the BnF on par with the other great libraries of the world such as the Library of Congress and the British Library. The prestigious Louis XV Salon will also be undergoing restoration.
Cultural Project
Restoration of the painted ceiling of the Gallery Richelieu
Amount Awarded
Grant Sponsor
The Florence Gould Foundation