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The Philadelphia Chapter invites you to enjoy exclusive access to “Mary Cassatt at Work” in the form of a private, curator-led tour of the exhibition led by Laurel Gerber, the Philadelphia Museum of Art Park Family Curator of Prints and Drawings. Ms. Gerver will provide insights into individual images as well as an overall vision of Cassatt’s contribution to the Impressionist Movement in Paris.

Following the tour, there will be an optional, a la carte lunch offered at “Stir”, the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Frank Gehry designed restaurant. To be included in the pay-as-you-go lunch reservation, please use the Lunch Ticket purchase option below – the additional $10 will be deducted from your final lunch bill, and the lunch tickets let us know how many to expect.

Please register using the payment links below. To register by phone, or to make a tax-deductible contribution, please contact Benjamin Wells, FHS Programs and Membership Officer, at 212-759-6846, ext. 201.

To Attend the Event and Lunch
Member Ticket (With Lunch) – $85
Non-Member Ticket (With Lunch) – $105
The additional $10 will count toward your lunch bill.

To Attend the Event Only
Member Ticket (No Lunch) – $75
Non-Member Ticket (No Lunch) – $95


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