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Your gift helps us keep giving!

To make a fully tax-deductible donation, please click here. You can also contribute by phone by contacting Benjamin Wells, FHS Programs & Membership Officer at 212-759-6846, ext. 201.

As we approach the close of 2023, we hope you will consider making a year-end charitable contribution to French Heritage Society. Donors like you make it possible for FHS to award vital restoration grants, sponsor career-defining student internships, and organize meaningful cultural programming. We are so grateful for the indispensable support of the FHS community, and we hope that you will join us as we continue to develop our activities in service of our mission to preserve French architecture and culture for future generations.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, in 2023 FHS was able to:

  • award nearly $500,000 to 16 restoration projects in France, two restoration projects in the United States, and one cultural project;
  • support 19 dynamic student internship opportunities for the next generation of preservationists at esteemed cultural institutions on both sides of the Atlantic; and
  • foster cultural exchange through more than 40 programs and events.

Giving to French Heritage Society makes you part of the work we do, which is driven by a deep appreciation for the richness of French heritage and its role in shaping American thought and culture. Beyond providing critical funding for the restoration of national landmarks, our activities help to preserve historic châteaux and other cherished spaces, increasingly with a focus on sustainability and innovation. In contributing to FHS, you support the efforts of generations of families who have dedicated their lives to maintaining these properties. You bolster small towns that rely on historically significant sites to attract tourism and promote awareness of their rich past. And you enable students pursuing careers in heritage to experience first-hand the impact of the sites they will one day play a role in sustaining.

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