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The Consul General of France in Boston and Mrs. M. Soykurt, along with the Co-Chairs of the Boston Chapter, invite you to a champagne reception to meet Elaine Sciolino,  Former New York Times Paris Bureau Chief and author of Adventures in the Louvre: How to Fall in Love with the World’s Greatest Museum, followed by a talk at the Harvard Bookstore.

5:00-6:30 p.m.: Champagne Reception at the French Residence
7:00 p.m.: Discussion between Elaine Sciolino and Jill Abramson at the Harvard Bookstore

Business Attire

Purchase Member Tickets for $75 per participant
Purchase Non-Member Tickets for $90 per participant

For additional information, or to register by phone, please contact Ben Wells, FHS Programs and Membership Officer, at [email protected] or 212-759-6846, ext. 201.

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